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Direct updates

Andrew avatar
Shared by Andrew • July 24, 2024

Mid-term taxes for Basic

We've added an optional length of stay parameter to Direct Basic taxes. If sales or lodging taxes in your area no longer apply on bookings over a certain duration, you can now specify that threshold so Hospitable knows to remove the taxes. Direct Basic taxes are managed in Preferences < Taxes.

Payment Terms for Basic

We expanded our new Payment Terms feature to all Direct Basic beta hosts on Monday. We're monitoring the performance and will finish rolling out to all Direct Basic hosts soon. The feature is already available to all Premium hosts.

We enable payment terms by default, but Hospitable can only offer guests multiple payments if you have a cancellation policy with sufficiently spaced refundable checkpoints. Read more or jump to your booking policy manager to manage your settings.

Direct site photos

We solved a weird issue with the photos we pull in from Airbnb listings. Some hosts were seeing their accessibility photos synced to the top of their images. If you deleted the photos or changed the sort order, it would get written over on the next. We finally got to the bottom of it and fixed the issue.